Sunday, December 29, 2019

American Incarceration Where We Are, And What Can Be Done

Yasir Choudhury Dr. Joà £o Vargas UGS 303 Mass Incarceration 5 October 2015 American Incarceration: Where We Are, and What Can be Done From its early inception as a necessary aspect of modern society to its broken state that can be seen today, the American penal system has changed radically in recent history from an institution that performed the duty of safeguarding the public from those too dangerous to be left unsupervised to a business model concerned more with generating a profit for shareholders. With a 500% increase in inmates that is rivalled by no other country, the United States leads the world in imprisoning a fast-growing portion of its population. It is without a doubt that adverse changes in policy regarding imprisonment along with the formation and privatization of the prison industrial complex contributes substantially to the state of mass incarceration in the United States and will continue to shape its future for the years to come. I will approach the writings of Angela Davis and Wilson Gilmore by comparing their theories on the profit motive behind the recent upward trend in the rate of incarcerated individuals in the United States in the past thirty years. To do so, I will analyze Davis essay on the prison industrial complex, paying special attention to the ways in which she relates the formation of privately run correctional facilities to the recent rising trend of the national prison population. Second, IShow MoreRelatedThe Division Of Our Society : Exploring Mass Imprisonment1737 Words   |  7 Pages Mass Incarceration The Division of Our Society: Exploring Mass Imprisonment Pamela D. Jackson WRIT 130: Research Paper Professor Jane Campanizzi-Mook September 11th 2015 ABSTRACT Prison is unfortunately big business in the United States and our society is paying the ultimate cost and there is only one system being rewarded. More than often we do not put much emphasis on the prison system in its entirety. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Aging American Population Essay - 648 Words

The Aging American Population The American population has changed dramatically over the last century. Our society has become effected by this in all areas and walks of life. It is unknown what the future holds for America, but the statistical trends in an aging population may shed some light. The rate of aging in the United States will increase dramatically in the second and subsequent decades of the century. Within the United States, the size of the population over age 65 has soared during this century, increasing from 3†¦show more content†¦Though average length of hospital stays has decreased for those over 65, their visits to physicians are over twice as frequent as those under 65. With increases in age, the intensity of using health care resources increases: Those over 75, though only 5.5 percent of the total population in 1993, accounted for 28 percent of all hospital days. At the same time, the caregiver population comprised of both the elderly and non-elderly will be impacted by these changes. Aging is also an aspect of population dynamics that affects the level of poverty also. As fertility declines and the population ages, traditional family-based systems for providing old-age care may weaken, leaving the elderly vulnerable. The income security of older persons is a policy concern not only in developed countries but increasingly as well in developing countries such as China that have passed through the demographic transition. Between 2000 and 2050, the proportion of the population aged 65 and older will have doubled in most developing regions. This exponential increase in the aging populous could leave that generation drastically vulnerable. Not only would the health standard be effected but also the income producing majority. Forecasts show that policy makers must address the impact of our aging population in the next decade to stay ahead of the demand on resources required by a populationShow MoreRelatedHealthcare Financing For An Aging American Population1426 Words   |  6 PagesHealthcare financing for an Aging American population Introduction The following research paper discusses the healthcare financing for an aging American Population. In the discussion, it addresses both the negative and positive perspective of the healthcare financing of this particular population as well as personal position and thoughts. Overview of Aging and Health Care Financing in U.S Just like other parts of the world, the United States is no exceptional, it is an aging society. 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Notably, the population of people aged 65 years and above, according to the statistical projection, is expected to increase from 40.2 million as per 2010 statistical findings to 72.1 million in 2030. The rapid population growth rate means that the number of people in need of health services assistance will increase over the years (Aranda Bob, 1997). Additionally, ethnicity diversity in the United States’ population has been on the increase. The population of Latino’sRead MoreSolving The Problem Of An Aging Prison Population1250 Words   |  5 Pagesof an Aging Prison Population Joshua N. Handy American Military University Abstract The American correctional system is facing many emerging issues. One of these issues is the exponential increase in aging offenders. In the past few decades, the number of geriatric offenders incarcerated has multiplied at an increasing rate. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Marketing the public libraries Free Essays

This website bases its maps from the surveys conducted by the 2005 American community survey (http://www. nkca. ucla. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing the public libraries or any similar topic only for you Order Now edu). It explains what the survey is about which is to collect housing, demographic and socioeconomic data. This is done from the US households. The website highlights the fact that the American Community Survey (ACS) replaced the decennial census. It also points out that the ACS is more advantageous than the decennial census because it is conducted every year instead of every ten years (http://www. nkca. ucla. edu). The website also makes known the year that ACS was implemented which is 2005. It goes ahead to name those who were involved in the pilot project that involved special tabulations of geographies. It also notes that the center for neighborhood knowledge ensures that the knowledge is availed to the public. It also highlights the uses of the data gotten by the ACS and this includes developing as well as refining policies and also programs, supplement the data gotten from other sources and also to help in identifying the needs of the community and also prioritizing these needs. ACS has a vision of working with the Bureau of the Census to annually update their information. Albright K. S. May/June 2004 ENVIROMENTAL SCANNING RADAR FOR SUCCESS Information Management Journal Summary In this journal, the writer starts off by noting the importance of success in any organization. Albright goes ahead to explain what environmental scanning is and why it is done. She identifies the relationship that is found among the environment, markets and strategic planning in an organization. Once an organization has looked into its internal environment, it then looks at the external environment. The writer goes ahead and gives the reasons for this environmental scanning which are to â€Å"focus on customers, suppliers and competitors and their intricate relationships†(Albright K. S. 2004). There is an explanation of how environmental scanning works. It conducts a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis. This helps the organization in analyzing the community, which is the environment, and also helps it know how to advertise their services. The writer ends by identifying any barriers to effective environmental scanning. Marketing Plan 1. Kassel, A. 1999. How to Write a Marketing Plan (Vol. 13 no. 5). Retrieved on 13th Sept 2007 from http://infotoday. com/mls/jun99/how-to. htm Summary In this volume, Kassel identifies why the libraries have been forced to go for marketing in the effort to increase their amount of money they make and also their client base. This is because their biggest competitor is the Internet, which is deemed more convenient by students and researchers. The writer goes ahead to identify and outline seven steps that are necessary in the creation of a marketing plan. She outlines them in the following sequence: â€Å"prepare a mission statement, list and describe target or niche markets, describe your services, spell out marketing and promotional strategies, identify and understand the competition, establish marketing goals that are quantifiable and finally monitor your results carefully†(http://infotoday. com). She goes ahead to give some tips and hints to those who are new to marketing. She urges them to concentrate on getting long-term customers, know why customers come back, to be focused on their targets and not waste their efforts with non-targets, to be persistent and prepared and finally to be never afraid of failure as it is bound to happen and when it does, the strategy used needs to be changed. The writer ends by assuming that this outline is actually a success plan. 2. Summey T. P If You Build it Will They Come? Creating a Marketing Plan for Distance Learning Library Services- 2004. The Haworth Press Inc. In this volume, Summey acknowledges the importance of people especially the distant students and also the â€Å"brand identity† which refers to a lot including services provided by the library in the expansion of library services people’s importance in the success of library services expansion (Summey, 2004). The writer goes ahead to explain what is a marketing plan and how it is created. The writer also identifies the objective of a marketing plan as being identification of marketing issues, development of goals and finally how to measure progress. The budget is also included in the plan; the plan is to consist of â€Å"the mission statement, library or community analysis, goals and objectives, marketing strategy and methods to evaluate results† (Summey, 2004). The plan is to begin with an executive summary, the table of content, a SEDT analysis, a description of the market, mission and vision, goals and objectives, implementation and finally assessment and evaluation. How to cite Marketing the public libraries, Essays