How to write a news paper
Biology Essay Samples Dse
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Essay --
Presentation Sir Alex Chapman Ferguson, a football living legend was conceived on 31st December, 1941 in Glasgow, Scotland. In his whole life expectancy as a football player and an administrator, he has been one of the most predictable and astounding name in the game. He was a previous football player at the Scottish football crew and has likewise played for different English clubs. He turned into the top objective scorer by scoring 31 objectives in the Scottish League. Afterward, in 1974, his vocation as a football administrator got a launch when he was chosen as the director of a group called East Stirlingshire. A short time later, he was moved to numerous clubs and was chosen for a similar post in the clubs including St. Mirren and Aberdeen. Likewise, he got chose as the chief of Scotland’s worldwide group and drove them for a year. In the year 1986 his way to magnificence began when he was chosen as the director of one of the most mainstream and one of the greatest football club of the predominant time ‘Manchester united’. He has been on a similar post from that point forward and his profession of 26 years at Manchester United has been one of the most radiant and energizing one for any administrator in the realm of sports. He is alluring, shrewd, and adaptable and his compulsive worker type demeanor has benefitted the group all in all from various perspectives and subsequently he is a significant and compelling piece of the group. He has driven the group on the triumph way from 6 November, 1986 to 19 May, 2013 when he reported his retirement. This period saw the Manchester United with a success level of 59.67 %. â€Å"Some individuals would prefer not to work however I need to proceed working.†- Sir Alex Ferguson. Accomplishments Under Sir’s... .../creators/an/alex_ferguson.html. Last got to 07 March 2014. Alex Ferguson Quotes | Football+science.(2014). Alex Ferguson Quotes. Accessible: Last got to 09 March 2014. Administration Styles - Leadership Skills from (2014). Authority Styles - Leadership Skills from Accessible at: Last Accessed 07 March 2014. Top 10 Quotes by Sir Alex Ferguson | Sir Alex 26 Year Anniversary. (2014). Top 10 Quotes by Sir Alex Ferguson | Sir Alex 26 Year Anniversary. Accessible at: by-sir-alex-ferguson/. Last Accessed 01 March 2014. Alex Ferguson Leadership. (2014). Alex Ferguson Leadership. Accessible at: Last Accessed 07 March 2014.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Kinship free essay sample
This paper examines the marvel of obtaining of the connection terms starting with one language then onto the next. The dialects under request are Punjabi and Urdu in a zone where both the dialects are communicated in as the significant dialects. It is normal for dialects to embrace words from different dialects because of their contact with one another. The paper investigates the contact circumstance of Urdu and Punjabi with specific spotlight on the wonder of the acquiring of the family relationship terms. So as to explore the issue quantitatively ten subjects were chosen, whose first language (L1) was Punjabi. A survey was made containing family relationship terms of Urdu language and the subject information on the Punjabi connection terms was checked. In a network where the speakers are bilinguals with Punjabi and Urdu dialects, the investigation shows that Urdu family relationship terms are favored over Punjabi connection terms to such a degree, that the speakers use Urdu connection terms in any event, when they talk their primary language, to be specific, Punjabi. We will compose a custom paper test on Family relationship or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Presentation: Kinship is one of the universals in human culture and accordingly assumes a significant job in both the guideline of conduct and the arrangement of social gatherings. Family relationship frameworks rely upon the social acknowledgment and social usage of connections got from drop and marriage and ordinarily include a lot of connection terms and a related arrangement of standards of conduct and perspectives which, together, make up an efficient entirety. All social orders recognize different classes of connection transport by drop or association, and most social orders separate connections by marriage or partiality too. Despite the fact that word reference definitions separate these connections, it is advantageous to stretch out the term â€Å"kinship†to cover the two sorts. The subsequent system of social relations may establish nearly the entire social structure in a portion of the easier social orders or be a moderately little piece of a profoundly mind boggling structure, as in present day modern social orders. In either case, in any case, the arrangement of kinfolk boat and marriage assumes a significant job in keeping up bunch attachment and solidarity and in situating the individual individuals to the social labyrinth. The utilization of the term â€Å"system†suggests that there is a mind boggling connection of reliance between the segment parts: the social classes and the related rights and obligations. Lexical getting can be characterized as the selection of individual words from another dialect. It happens when two dialects are in contact and one language gets lexical things from the other language. Acquiring is the procedure which requires language contact. It implies there ought to be at any rate a specific level of bilingualism for certain individuals with the benefactor language and the beneficiary language. In this examination the benefactor language is Urdu and the beneficiary language is Punjabi and the lexical things which are dissected are the family relationship terms. Destinations: The paper plans to: ?Compare the Urdu and Punjabi family relationship terms. ?Investigate the getting of the family relationship terms when the speakers of a network use Urdu and Punjabi dialects. ? language Investigate the impact of Urdu on Punjabi in urban zones with specific spotlight on the family relationship terms. Punjabi Language: The Punjabi language is an individual from the Indo-Aryan development of the Indo-European family. It is spoken by in excess of 100 million individuals in Punjab (in Pakistan and north western India). Over 44% of Pakistanis learn it as their first language and about 70% of Pakistanis can get it. Connection Terminology in Punjabi and Urdu: The family relationship wording in both the Punjabi and Urdu dialects is extremely broad and explicit. The framework makes essential reference to three parameters: age, affiliation (connection by blood or marriage) and laterality (connection on the mother’s side or father’s side). Accordingly, rather than general terms as „uncle? or on the other hand „aunt? , profoundly explicit terms are utilized. English-talking individuals don't recognize semantically between uncle „father’s sibling? , „mother’s sibling? , „father’s sister’s spouse? , „mother’s sister’s spouse? , however Punjabi and Urdu dialects do recognize these various connections. The supposition that will be that this differential etymological marking reflects contrasts in the structures of various social orders and in the jobs and conduct which are anticipated from people having specific associations with each other (Trudgill 1992). Table 1: Urdu and Punjabi family relationship terms Urdu TermPunjabi Term AbbuAbbu/Abba AmmiAmmi/Amma BetaPutar BetiDhee Bara BhaiLala/Veer/bhra Chota BhaiKaka/Nikka BehanBhain DadaDada/Baba DadiDadi/Wade amma NanaNana NaniNani ShoharKhasam/Karwala/Banda BiviKarwali/Budhi DulhaLara/Nadha/Ghabru DulhanWohti/Lari TayaBaba/Taya/swim Abbu TayeeBabi/Tayee/swim Amma ChachaChachu ChachiChachi PhuphaPhupher PhuphiPhupho KhaluKhalu/Maasser KhalaaMaasee/khala MamuMama/Mamu MamaniMami BhabhiBharjayee BhatijaPatriya/Bhatriya BhatijiPatri/Bhatri BhanjaBharyya/Bhanja/Panewa BhanjiBharyye/Bhanji/panewee BehnoyeeaBhanuja/Bharwiyya SalaSala SaleharSalehar SaliSali SandhuSandha/Sandhu NandNinnan JaithJaith JaithaniaJaithani DewarDeor DewaraniDarani DamadJawayee BahuNoo Pota Potra PotiPotri DotaDotra DotiDotria SuserSora SaasSas Population: Ten respondents were chosen haphazardly whose first language (L1) was Punjabi and who were living in the urban and rustic regions of Sargodha. Sargodha is a multi-social city where Punjabi and Urdu are the significant dialects. System: A poll was made comprising of 50 jargon things I. e. Urdu family relationship terms. The respondents were approached to record the proportional Punjabi terms just as the terms that they use when they communicate in Punjabi. Results and Analysis of the Data: The respondents capability just as their use of Punjabi family relationship terms was checked by the survey and the outcomes were found as follows: Total number of respondents: 10 First Language (L1) of the respondents: Punjabi Table 2: Results of the Questionnaire Urdu Kinship TermNumber %age of the respondents who knew proportionate Punjabi termNumber %age of the respondents who detailed that they use Punjabi term when they communicate in Punjabi Abbu10(100%)3(30%) Ammi9(90%)5(50%) Beta10(100%)8(80%) Beti10(100%)7(70%) Bhai9(90%)7(70%) Behan7(70%)3(30%) Shohar8(80%)4(40%) Bivi9(90%)3(30%) Dulha 7(70%)2(20%) Dulhan8(80%)4(40%) Phupha9(90%)2(20%) Khalu8(80%)1(10%) Khala10(100%) 2(20%) Mamu10(100%)1(10%) Mamani10(100%) 4(40%) Bhabhi9(90%)3(30%) Behnoyee8(80%)2(20%) Nand9(90%)4(40%) Dewar7(70%)1(10%) Dewarani8(80%)2(20%) Bahu10(100%)5(50%) Pota9(90%)3(30%) Dota10(100%)3(30%) Susser10(100%)2(20%) Damad7(70%)4(40%) Average values9(90%)3(30%) The information show that nine out of all out ten respondents which become 90% of the all out populace under scrutiny know the Punjabi connection terms. 10% of the populace doesn't have the foggiest idea about the Punjabi family relationship terms by any stretch of the imagination. With respect to the utilization of Punjabi family relationship terms, just 30% of the populace (just three out of ten) utilizes Punjabi connection terms while communicating in Punjabi. They lean toward Urdu connection terms in any event, when they communicate in Punjabi. Conversation: The writing investigated and the information gathered show that the Punjabi language is obviously getting family relationship terms from the Urdu language where the two dialects are spoken in a similar region. Individuals with Urdu and Punjabi bilingualism incline toward Urdu family relationship terms in any event, when they communicate in Punjabi. Their first language (L1) is Punjabi, the information show that 10% of the populace doesn't have the foggiest idea about the Punjabi connection terms by any stretch of the imagination. This populace knows just Urdu connection wording. Out of the 90% populace who knows the Punjabi family relationship terms, just 30% uses Punjabi connection terms while communicating in Punjabi. The greater part of the respondents revealed that they lean toward Urdu family relationship terms in any event, when they communicate in Punjabi. The rundown of family relationship terms (Table 1) shows that the greater part of the connection terms of Urdu and Punjabi are comparative; yet there are a few contrasts. The Punjabi language is an individual from the Indo-Aryan development of the Indo-European language family. Over 44% of Pakistanis learn it as their first language. Urdu was conformed to the 1600? s in Central Asia. It has acquired various etymological things from Perso-Arabic and Indo-Aryan dialects. So over the span of its advancement Urdu may have acquired family relationship terms from Punjabi with certain progressions because of its diverse phonological framework. Presently it is astounding that Punjabi is acquiring the family relationship terms again from Urdu precisely similarly as they are utilized in Urdu since Urdu is getting a charge out of more renown than Punjabi. End: The investigation shows that the Urdu family relationship terms are favored over Punjabi connection terms to such a degree, that the speakers use Urdu family relationship terms in any event, when they talk in their primary language I. e. Punjabi. A portion of the Punjabi speakers have even lost their L1 family relationship terms. The paper features the wonder of acquiring of family relationship terms in urban zones from relatively high renown language I. e. Urdu to low glory language I. e. Punjabi. It shows that the Punjabi speakers living in urban zones couldn't completely hold their L1 connection terms and embraced the Urdu family relationship terms. The investigation additionally features the marvel of lexical getting as one of the potential variables associated with the difference in dictionary of a language in language contact circumstances.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Using the Google Search Engine :: Computer Science
Utilizing the Google Search Engine discover two web destinations that give web assets for the investigation of Australian Literature. - - ii. Compose a nitty gritty synopsis in close to 600 expressions of what sort of data and administrations the destinations give. Give models as essential. The first of the two sites that I took a gander at was, it is developed by Perry Middlemiss who is an admirer of books, and who wishes to pay credit to those 'overlooked' Australian scholars on the Web. Middlemiss starts by naming 70 Australian creators, and furthermore gives connects to those creators, and the individuals who don't have connections to different destinations a guarantee is made that they will be given later on. By essentially tapping on one of the creators, for instance Miles Franklin, you are directed to a website page that gives a short life story of the creator, and furthermore a rundown of her works, some of which additionally have joins that give a short knowledge. The site likewise gives postings of the champs of abstract prizes, and specifically The Miles Franklin Award, and The Australian/Vogel Grant. Again by tapping on these we are lead to a page that gives the victors of these honors, and furthermore those that were shortlisted. A page that gives a short depiction on the writers and the books that are recorded are accessible by tapping on the connections. Another type of Australian Literature that is given is sonnets. Middlemiss offers his preferred artist, Victor Daley on the site, and records a portion of his sonnets, which are on the whole available. He likewise records other Australian artists, all of which have further connections. By tapping on the artist's name we are lead to a site that offers a short memoir of the writer, for instance Adam Lindsay Gordon, the site likewise offers a rundown of his verse assortments and memoirs, some of which have further joins that talk about that specific thing. Connections are likewise accessible to full messages of the sonnets that are recorded. For instance by tapping on The Trenches by Frederic Manning we are lead to the full form of the sonnet. Additionally accessible are connections to various Australian books, which have been isolated under various point headings, these incorporate fiction, show, workmanship, nourishment, narratives, and others. Ozlit ( offers in excess of 500 pages of Australian Literary data, and in excess of 1100 sections in their Books and Writers database, which is likewise completely accessible. A internet searcher is accessible that permits you to look through the entire Ozlit site for data. There is likewise a connections database accessible that permits you to scan for references on journalists.
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Being John Malkovich - Literature Essay Samples
Being John Malkovich Endless riches, untouchable fame, authority that would never dare be challenged. Isn’t that the goal? To live in a world where one can walk out of their beach house into their new Lamborghini knowing they don’t have a worry in the world simply because they have those material goods. Most see it as so and as a result the world is a never ending cycle of people trying to climb the ladder that just keeps growing. The reality is the majority of people will never be able to call home a beach house or their car a Lamborghini, but that doesn’t stop the hunt to rise to the top. Charlie Kaufman explores this concept in his book Being John Malkovich. He presents us with characters all over the societal pyramid and shows the journey to find a way to screech up it against all odds. Many wonder what it would be like to be someone else. Maybe their problems aren’t as bad as your own. Or maybe they know the feeling of success like the back of their hand when you can†™t seem to keep a job. When the characters in the plot get the opportunity to be someone else, it is all they could have ever dreamed. They became the person they always wanted to be, but never could be. Simply by going into the mind of a successful man, they have upped their value and are no longer viewed as worthless which is the label the lower class has thrust upon them. Being John Malkovich demonstrates by looking through an ideological and economical lens, that the churning mill known as society forces everyone to increase their status at all costs to get what they want. This is shown through Craig and Lotte’s desperate attempts to get inside of the famous John Malkovich for the soul reason of being looked at as a prominent figure for the first time in their lives. Along with this the reader sees Lester’s relentless hunt to maintain immortality by leaping from vessel to vessel. Not a day goes by where one turns on the news and isn’t bombarded with constant updates of a celebrity. How is it that the worship of these people is so prevalent in society? At the end of the day they are just people. However, they are looked at as god-like figures with an impeccable status. Craig Schwartz is a man who wouldn’t be given a second glance when passing him on the street. That is unless one turned to look at him in disgust over his below average looks or his absurd interest in puppetry. These are just a few of the many reasons he is at the bottom of society. A glimpse into the life of Craig would be one battling on the line of poverty, fighting with unemployment and at odds about how to find something worth living for. Fast forward until Craig takes a glimpse into the life of John Malkovich and everything changes. As he is sucked into the portal he is metaphorically sucked into a life of riches and popularity. He becomes the same type of A-list celebrity th at society loves to worship. The reason may not be known but it comes back to the basis of status. â€Å"The character of Craig Schwartz can be scary in an odd sort of way. He is scary because he is something that none of us want to become . . . a pathetic loser with no respect. The only respect he can get is when he is in Malkovich. In this sense, Craig Schwartz can only be someone when he is someone else†(Philosophical Implications). When in his own body, he is a poor puppeteer who can not land a job to save his life nor can he win over the affection of Maxine who he has loved ever since his first day one the seventh and a half floor at LesterCorp. It is so evident how things change when he is in the body of John Malkovich as he has supreme authority. He has the power to change his acting career to a career into Craig’s personal love of puppetry. Maxine seems mesmerized by him and he is the person he has always wanted to become. Everything in his wildest dreams beca me a reality as he miraculously climbed the social ladder in minutes through entering someone with much more prestige. As hardships hit and the possibility of a return into his original body come to light, it is apparent that he knows how badly his life will be ruined upon his departure from Malkovich. â€Å"I can’t do that. If I leave Malkovich, I’m Craig Schwartz again. I have no career, no money. Maxine would no longer have anything to do with me†(99). This shows the very point that social status drives society through wealth and perceived authority. One moment anything is possible and the next life becomes a black hole of nothingness for Craig Schwartz. To be looked at by the world with respect is something people dedicate their entire lives to. It can be an endless journey that may never be accomplished. The most genuine, kind-hearted individual may never feel as if they are wanted because they are viewed as a lesser person in society. Lotte Schwartz feels as if she has never been looked at by someone who truly, passionately cares about her. Her own husband barely gives her the time of day as he is caught up with his puppets or off trying to woo another woman in Maxine. As a result, Lotte takes a nurturing role taking care of animals as they are the only beings to give her respect. Similar to Craig’s experience with the Malkovich vessel, as soon as Lotte ventures into it her entire life changes. She feels like she has control of her life and is looked at with respect and dignity for the first time. Lotte is no longer a run of the muck house wife with no future, but instead a powerful upper-class man who leads a lavish life s tyle. â€Å"I have to go back Craig. Being inside did something to me. All of a sudden everything made sense. I knew who I was†(40). This demonstrates Lotte has found a purpose in life but more specifically infers who she wants to be in life. She has never had to money or the status to be looked at the way Malkovich is. However, when she is in his head she feels what it is like and that is enough to make her want to clamp on for as long as possible. Lotte sees the way Maxine looks at her through Malkovich’s eyes and loves the feeling of feeling loved. Never had she felt that type of affection from anyone, let alone her own husband. That saddening reality is that Maxine even admits to only loving Lotte when she is in Malkovich’s body. If she had possessed the riches or social class needed to be respected, her entire life may have been different. â€Å"According to Marxists, and to other scholars in fact, literature reflects those social institutions out of whic h it emerges and is itself a social institution with a particular ideological function. Literature reflects class struggle and materialism: think how often the quest for wealth traditionally defines characters†(Marxism). This puts into perspective how societal class drives a person to do the things that they do and in the end can even determine someone’s happiness as was the case with Lotte. Nothing is valued more than life. The reason being is no price tag can be placed on it. People spend millions upon millions of dollars trying to prolong life whether that be through cancer research or other countless illnesses that take our greatest treasure away from it. Now if someone were to find a miraculous way to ensure immortality, they would be at the top of humanity for as long as they wished. For Dr. Lester, this is the reality he has been living in his whole life. Except the only thing is it isn’t â€Å"his†original life, but more specifically his soul hopping from one body to another when the time is right. He has discovered a way to make his mark on society by never leaving society in the first place. That is without doubt the most concrete way to mark one’s supremacy. Lester starts out as a man that could be laughed off as he comes off as a bit quirky. However, as the plot progresses the reader sees his true strength as he relentlessly attempts to keep his life going by transporting himself into John Malkovich. He refuses to take his last breath like a normal person and that is how he sees fit to stay in the upper class of society. â€Å"For the rest of life. Then we’ll all move on to the next vessel. It’s a great adventure†(86). The determination Lester shows to keep the very adventure alive proves he knows the exquisite life he has and will continue it in grand fashion. His only concern is that a regular lifespan does not give adequate time to do so and he has solved that problem. Lester has removed life’s greatest fear hence making him invaluable to society. â€Å"At first, he took up the Marxist idea that science is a part or moment of the transformative economic praxis of material production, enabling the â€Å"species being†Man to transform the material context in which he survives and flourishes†(Critical Theory). This exact thought exemplifies the reasoning behind what Lest er did. By creating an unlimited life, he enabled himself to create unlimited wealth, unlimited friends and unlimited possibilities. It goes far beyond what the average person can even dream of. Lester has been living the daring life by hopping into multiple people, and by continuing to do so in the body of John Malkovich, will make his life that much more pristine. What a sad thought it is that children in our world today grow up in a world where unworthy celebrities are at society’s beckon call. Some may help the greater good, but more often than not, they are in that position for nothing besides their wealth or fame. For that very reason, people have been racing since the beginning of time to increase their status no matter how high the stakes are and no matter what they have to lose. Charlie Kaufman fully exposes this societal flaw in Being John Malkovich as characters like Craig, Lotte and Lester put their literal life on the line in hopes of becoming someone else. While their specific reasons may vary, it comes down to wanting a better life and they feel as if they are being held back by who they are. A higher status is needed in the world to get one where they want to go and they found that in John Malkovich. Risking everything, it was a race against time to take over a man’s head with the hopeless idea of wanting more. Fame , fortune, power and the hunt for it all leads to the corruption of morals. It leads to the question of if society can truly function with those being the motivating factors that keeps it running day in and day out. Works Cited Blake, Nigel and Jan Masschelein. Critical Theory and Critical Pedagogy. The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Education. Blake, Nigel, Paul Smeyers, Richard Smith and Paul Standish (eds). Blackwell Publishing, 2002. Blackwell Reference Online. 06 December 2015 Marxist Criticism. Marxist Criticism. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2015. â€Å"Philosophical Implications of â€Å"Being John Malkovich†. â€Å"Popgun Chao. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2015.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
John F. Kennedy The Right Answer Or The Democratic Answer
John F. Kennedy once proclaimed â€Å"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.†Bernie Sanders understands many of the same ideologies John F. Kennedy was loved for; Bernie is known to follow his views of solving problems and focusing in the future of America. He strongly believes America misuses a great deal of money and time on mass incarceration as well as misunderstood crime policies. While the money and time being use should be applied to a solution such as providing jobs and educating those who are more likely to be associated with incarceration in the future. Bernie Sanders is making a†¦show more content†¦Studies show crime rates have lowered because employment opportunities have expanded throughout the years, implicating the upsurge in income. The leading reason to why we have mass incarceration is because the long s entences assigned to each prisoner as well for sentence changing and growth of convictions. â€Å"The U.S releases about 600,000 prisoners each year. About two-thirds are arrested for a new crime within three years, and more than 75 percent are arrested within five years†(Huffington). It is typical to think these prisoners have not been properly rehabilitated if they are continuing the same behavior. Unfortunately the cycle continues because when they are released most prisoners find it difficult to accommodate their life’s too the law abiding population. Demographics have also been an extended complication to mass incarceration for instances when compared to ethnicity and upbringings. The probabilities of being incarcerated between blacks and Hispanics is much larger than whites and they could receive longer convictions. â€Å"It does not make sense for a nonviolent drug offender to be getting 20 years, 30 years, in some cases life, in prison,†â€Å"That’s not serving anybody†(Washington Post). President Obama mentioned this while he spoke to ex-offenders and listened to their stories. Although it seemed President Obama was touched by these ex-offenders who were given
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Why I Am Afraid Of Bees Essay Example For Students
Why I Am Afraid Of Bees Essay The story starts off with Gary Lutz sitting under his big oak tree in his backyard reading his comic books. Then Garys pain in the butt neighbor, Mr. Andretti, keeps scaring Gary by telling Gary that Mr. Andrettis beehive hasgone crazy. Gary falls for it every time because Gary is afraid of bees. Allday, Gary reads his comic books because he hates to do anything else. No onelikes Gary because they think hes a nerd, because he stinks at sports and looksweird. For instance, one time Gary was lined up to play baseball with the otherstudents and was last in line, and at the end of the game they lost because hestruck out. So, one of the big kids came up to him and punched him in the nose,so Gary ended up having to go home with a bloody nose. The next day Gary foundan ad while surfing on the web. It said in big bold letters, BodySwapping. Switch Bodies With Someone Else for One Whole Week. Gary likedthat idea because he needed a long vacation from himself. He decided that hewould go to the body-swapping place the next day since it was only few blocksaway. (What a coincidence) The next day Gary went to the company and asked if hecould sw itch bodies with someone else. The lady at the front desk, named Ms. Karmen, gave a picture to Gary and asked if he wanted to switch bodies with boyhis age named Barry. Gary said he would because this guy was really coollooking. Ms. Karmen said she would come to his house the next day. The next dayMs. Karmen showed up on time and set up the equipment. She started the machine. Then something went wrong. Gary turned into a bee! Ms. Karmen didnt know whathappened to Gary, so she took her equipment and left. Gary tried to get help,but he couldnt because he was just a bee. Gary found out that one of Mr. Andrettis bees got in the machine. Gary got used to how a bee flies, and thenhe went outside to get some pollen because he was hungry. After his meal, Garywent for a flight but got caught in a net! It was Mr. Andretti. He thought thatGary was one of the lost bees from his hive, and Mr. Andretti put Gary in thisbig dark beehive. Gary tried to get out but he couldnt. Then Gary rememberedsomething. Bees have to leave the hive to get pollen to make honey! There had tobe a way out! So Gary started looking. All these bees started chasing Gary, andGary didnt know why. All these bees surrounded Gary and aimed their stingers athim. He found out that they were moving Gary aside, because another bee wasdoing a dance. Gary remembered that when bees do a dance, it means theyregiving directions to other bees where good pollen is. Gary wandered around alittle bit. Gary thought that he was in a big scary maze. Then Gary found alittle hole. It was an exit! Gary hurried and got himself out of there. T helight was so bright Gary felt as if he were on the sun. The first thing thatpopped into Garys mind was going to Ms. Karmen, so Gary started flying to thecompany. When Gary got there the door wasnt open, so Gary slipped in the mailslot. Gary saw Ms. Karmen, but he realized that he couldnt get to her becausethere was a Plexiglas wall between her and Gary. Gary slipped under Ms. Karmensdesk. Gary remembered that he couldnt talk to anyone because he had such asmall voice. Then Gary remembered that Ms. Karmen had a microphone to speak tothe kids through the Plexiglas wall. Gary flew over to the microphone and spokethrough it to get Ms. Karmens attention. Once Ms. Karmen had realized whereGary was, she sadly said that Barry didnt want to give up being Gary becauseBarry was teaching everyone how to skateboard, and all the girls liked him. Garywas very upset, so he immediately flew to his house, where Barry was. When Garygot there, he knew that he would die if he stung Barry, but because he was soupset and not thinking clearly Gary stung Barry anyway. Suddenly everythingstarted to fade, and Gary realized that he was dying. Then Gary woke up. He wasback to his regular life. Gary was confused, so he just thought that it was adream. Gary needed some air so he went outside and all the girls were on Garysdriveway ready for their skateboard lessons. Gary found out that he was reallygood at skateboarding. The main character in this book is Gary Lutz. Gary Lutzis afraid easily and very observant. Gary is a scared boy because he is scaredof about everything, like when a bee was by him and he ran away. He is observantbecause when he was in the hive he kept watching the bees closely to see whatthey were doing, like when the bees were doing a dance, and he realized that thebees were giving directions. I think that the theme of the book is, life is goodso dont make any changes, because Gary wanted to change his life by switchingbodies with someone else but it turned into a disas ter. Thats why you shouldappreciate who you are and not compare others with you. I think the author wrotethe book to entertain because I know that R. L. Stine likes to entertain peoplewith horror stories. I didnt like this book very much because it was very fakesounding. .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .postImageUrl , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:hover , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:visited , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:active { border:0!important; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:active , .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5 .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8f03e483c9c09356b855f83b86ac5ab5:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Seeing futher through tears th EssayBook Reports
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Manufacturing Case Study free essay sample
Those cases that could be settled with a face-to-face talk between HR and the employee now have to be resolved through grievance procedures between the union and the HR department. At the same time, HR professionals find that enforcing employee policies are sometimes easier in a union shop, because unionized workers tend to be more familiar with the rules, according to the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM). Safety †¢Safety awareness is a major HR issue in manufacturing, because of the considerable risks for jobrelated injuries or fatalities. In an office, someone might trip over a file cabinet. Here, people can get pulled into the machines and lose arms or legs. People can get killed,†HR Manager Kristi Schmidlap tells SHRM. Human Resource specialists devote a considerable amount of time in training employees to be proactive in keeping their work areas safe. HR departments have to be diligent in enforcing safety policies, such as dress-codes in factories, where long fingernails and hair represent danger among workers using heavy machinery. We will write a custom essay sample on Manufacturing Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Human Resource employees also have to set examples, by consistently wearing hardhats, goggles and safety boots, when they walk through the plant. Communication †¢Most laborers in a manufacturing plant do not have computers or desks, which eliminates emails and on-line publications as methods of disseminating information. Instead, HR professionals must rely on bulletin board postings, notices stapled to paychecks or employee meetings. With three shifts in operation, the HR representative must schedule 5:30 A. M. essions to ensure that the third shift hears the same message as their first- and second-shift peers. HR departments spend more time explaining common policies than their counterparts in white-collar companies, because manufacturing employees cannot access handbooks and guides that are published on the Internet. This means more interaction between HR employees and the general workforce, especially during benefits enrollment periods, when factory employees who do not have access to company computers, need HR’s guidance in entering their selections on-line.
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