Wednesday, May 6, 2020

John F. Kennedy The Right Answer Or The Democratic Answer

John F. Kennedy once proclaimed â€Å"Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.† Bernie Sanders understands many of the same ideologies John F. Kennedy was loved for; Bernie is known to follow his views of solving problems and focusing in the future of America. He strongly believes America misuses a great deal of money and time on mass incarceration as well as misunderstood crime policies. While the money and time being use should be applied to a solution such as providing jobs and educating those who are more likely to be associated with incarceration in the future. Bernie Sanders is making a†¦show more content†¦Studies show crime rates have lowered because employment opportunities have expanded throughout the years, implicating the upsurge in income. The leading reason to why we have mass incarceration is because the long s entences assigned to each prisoner as well for sentence changing and growth of convictions. â€Å"The U.S releases about 600,000 prisoners each year. About two-thirds are arrested for a new crime within three years, and more than 75 percent are arrested within five years† (Huffington). It is typical to think these prisoners have not been properly rehabilitated if they are continuing the same behavior. Unfortunately the cycle continues because when they are released most prisoners find it difficult to accommodate their life’s too the law abiding population. Demographics have also been an extended complication to mass incarceration for instances when compared to ethnicity and upbringings. The probabilities of being incarcerated between blacks and Hispanics is much larger than whites and they could receive longer convictions. â€Å"It does not make sense for a nonviolent drug offender to be getting 20 years, 30 years, in some cases life, in prison,† â€Å"That’s not serving anybody† (Washington Post). President Obama mentioned this while he spoke to ex-offenders and listened to their stories. Although it seemed President Obama was touched by these ex-offenders who were given

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