Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The Great Gatsby :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Great Gatsby is written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Nick Carraway is a neutral character and narrates this novel. He witnesses most of the interactions between the characters, yet states only what happens and not just his opinion. Nick moves from the mid-west to Long Island. Jay Gatsby lives next door to Nick in the East Egg. He lives in a mansion, which he bought with the money he made by being involved in organized crime. He lives across from Tom and Daisy. Daisy used to go out with Jay but she broke up with him because he could not support her lifestyle. While Tom is having an affair with another woman, Myrtle, Jay and Daisy have one. Tom gets bored with his affair and decides to stop Jay and Daisy’s. While Tom and Daisy are driving in car, Daisy hits Myrtle, yet Tom says it was Jay. Myrtle’s husband gets furious, kills Jay and then himself. Fitzgerald uses this book to tell Americans not to try to make dreams reality by corruption. To gain money by illegal sources is not the way to achieve the â€Å"American Dream†. Nick lives next to a mansion, which belongs to Jay Gatsby and becomes friends with him. Jay turns out to still like Daisy, who is Nick’s second cousin. Before Jay was sent to the army, he and Daisy were together. Yet because of Jay’s lack of money, Daisy broke up with him. Through his friend Meyer Wolfsheim, who fixed the World Series in 1919 and involved in organized crime, he gained his fortune. When he returned, Daisy had already been married to another wealthy person, Tom Buchanan. Nick arranges for the two of them to meet, and they have an affair. Tom, who is also having an affair with a married woman, Myrtle, confronts Daisy and Jay, and Daisy is forced to return to Tom. As Daisy and Gatsby are driving, they run over and kill Myrtle Wilson, Tom’s mistress. Tom lies to Mr. Wilson, and tells him that Gatsby was the driver, when actually, Daisy was driving. Wilson shoots Gatsby at his home afterwards and then commits suicide. Nick is disappointed with the life , which he planned for in New York and decides to go back to his hometown in the mid-west. The Great Gatsby took place during the Roaring Twenty’s. Nick graduated from New Haven in 1915 and â€Å"I came East, permanently, I thought, in the spring of twenty-two.

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