Saturday, March 14, 2020

Todays Negative Media essays

Today's Negative Media essays Since the late 1940s media such as television have been an important factor in our everyday lives. Television keeps people aware and up-to-date with important information giving those people knowledge on what is happening in the world around them. Television is also used as a source of entertainment. In the past television was mainly used to entertain families where they would get together around the TV set and watch for a few hours. However, today television is used for many purposes and is a cause for concern when looking at its affects on the people of todays society. Firstly, younger children tend to watch television instead of going outside and getting exercise; teenagers watch television instead of doing their studies, and grown-ups become pre-occupied with technologic gadgetry instead of doing what they are supposed to. Secondly, children watching television see violence in the form of cartoons or other popular children shows desensitizing the children and making them think vi olence is acceptable in real-life. Lastly, some types of media discriminate against all people regardless of age, gender, or race. In todays society, television can have a negative affect on anyone and everyone in that society. Luxury items like televisions are cause for concern because children and young adults seem to stay transfixed to such a medium. Hours of easy viewing with addictive story-line shows are what causes people of all ages to become glued to the tube. The extended time wasted by sitting and not getting much needed exercise leads to health problems later on in life, such as backaches, obesity, and a leniency toward procrastination. According to studies, e.g. the Huston-Stein project, the average child watches about 27 hours of television per week. In some cases viewing can reach as much as 11 hours a day on non-school days. Televisions have become less expensive, allowing more people to have these products...

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